Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday in Bordeaux...ahhhhh...

I could write forever but I'll try to keep this "real"... Boy, did we ever need this vacation...Already, I never want to leave....My friends and family know how much I love Paris...Bordeaux has become my new favorite. I wrote in a journal all the way from LA and will share some of it:"Thanks to Mary Lu for getting us to the FlyAway station in downtown LA...She drove us on the side streets instead of the busy freeway (commute time) and shared lots of stories since she grew up in this area. (Always a treat to hear her stories!) Our flight did not take us over the areas we thought we would go so I could not wave to lots of my FB friends! Sorry, Holly, Jeanne, Kate & Bertie! But, we flew over Newfoundland and waved to Joyda! Gary, I'm keeping a food log for you...even what we ate on the plane ;) (Tapioca Crepes!) As it got dark (for about an hour! on the plane) I saw the most incredible Big Dipper ever. We flew right under it! (I sound like I've never been out of my kitchen, eh?) So: here goes...yesterday Saturday 6:15pm Bordeaux time...."I am sitting on our Balcony overlooking a quaint street with small village-style shops and eateries, enjoying wine and trail mix!Enn came back from grocery shopping (dinner, yay!) Brie, ham, fresh French bread, bananas, oranges, cereal, milk and yogurt. We sat on the balcony, just big enough for 2 chairs and a cafe table. It was a great dinner, from 2 very tired travelers. Now he's gone for another short walk, to stay awake a bit longer. The sun has set, the streets are getting quieter; I swear I am sitting in a "picture perfect postcard"! My view is amazing. I saw a lady riding a bike with a small basket on the back, with a dog in the basket! (Hello to Miss Sadie!) :)
The restaurant lights are starting to flash now...there's a slight breeze - perfect - The restaurant next door is called It's on our to-do list! Our plans are to stay local (in town) tomorrow, Sunday, and then discover new things after that; wine tour, beach outing and figuring out our Eurail pass to Brussels for Friday. We haven't slept in 27 hours...G'night!

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