Monday, September 12, 2011


Took the Tram to the Train station, spent some time getting our travel plans for Friday....Eurail is just "ok"...I hope it all works out. Looks like we have to take a 7:30AM train (TGV) to Paris and transfer from another STATION (!) using the Metro, to Brussels, then to Amsterdam! Arriving in Amsterdam about 6PM. Station agent made it sound like there are only a certail amount of Eurail seats available....arghh! Sort of like using those famous Frequent Flyer passes!
After the train station, we went on by bus, to Rue St. Catherine, the largest Pedestrian shopping street in Europe. Had lunch,then got back on a tram and decided to just go wherever it went! Adventurous, eh? We enjoyed a ride past the University of Bordeaux and some beautiful countryside. On the way back, I decided to get off in downtown Bordeaux, and find my way back to the apt. while Enn continued on, exploring!!! I had a nice walk back, stopping at a Tabac shop for postcards and the Carrefour Market (huge) for a bottle of Bordeaux wine! I enjoyed the walk. I even gave directions to a Canadian (Vancouver) tourist!!! Yay, me! Photos to follow....

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