Friday, September 23, 2011

Ahhh, Paris!

Friday in Paris...I am a happy camper! Caught the TGV from Tours to Paris at 10:30 this morning and got here in an nice to arrive in Paris refreshed and not with the 10-11 hour plane ride from LA! After checking in to our hotel near the Gare du Nore (train station) we walked to the busier area again and found a cute pizza parlor (Italian Restaurant). Enjoyed our lunch at the outside cafe table (Veggie pizza and Lasagna and wine! and french bread, of course)....Enn talked me into walking to the Sacre wasn't too far and I am proud to say, I walked up all those stairs and even went inside for 10 minutes of a Mass in progress. The view is incredible....all of Paris and it was pretty clear, Walked behind the church and down the hill for a ways. Then turned around and walked all the way back to our hotel. I just took a shower and he took a we're ready to go again! So much to do....I love Paris!